Laser Hair Reduction is a relatively new technique to reduce unwanted body hair as compared to the traditional methods such as waxing, threading, razing, and hair removal creams, etc. The advancements of dermatology have made it possible to do away with the side effects of hair removal for e.g. rough skin texture and thicker hair growth afterward. Laser treatment is very effective in reducing the density of hair and still gives you a smooth skin texture. Looking for an apt Body Hair Removal Treatment in Jabalpur? Visit Dr. Sidharth’ Oswal’s Skin clinic.
Laser hair removal Treatment is equally beneficial for both men and women. It is highly beneficial in the reduction of the density of hair, a longer hair-free period, and improved skin texture. Benefits vary from the reduction in density, improvement in texture from coarse, thick, and dark hair to finer, fewer and lighter hair and longer hair-free periods. It is the best way to remove all unwanted hair from any part of your body and is medically proven to give you long-term hair reduction. With long-lasting results, laser hair removal is a better value for money compared to other hair removal methods as it requires very minimal maintenance. Your comfort throughout the treatment is ensured along with unbelievable results.
At Dr. Sidharth Oswal’s Dermatology clinic, we use lasers which are the gold standard, which is a pain-free and quick procedure. Full Body Laser Hair treatment can be successfully done within a couple of hours. Post-treatment you’ll be stunned to ultimately receive super-smooth and soft skin.
The laser device emits pulses of light energy that penetrate the skin and destroy hair follicles while the device’s handpiece cools the surrounding skin. Since the hair follicles are targeted in the growth phase of the cycle, hair that is in the other stages will not be affected by the laser. The sessions need to be repeated within a few weeks, though the length of the hair cycle varies depending on the body part, face usually requires more frequent treatments whereas the legs and back need less frequent treatments. Also, long-term results will be visible after a while due to changing hair cycles and the thickness of the follicle.
The advantages of Laser Hair Reduction are numerous. First of all, lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Each pulse of the laser focuses on a particular area, thereby treating many hairs at once. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas of skin such as the upper lip can be treated in much less time. While comparatively, the larger areas need longer time.
Patients are advised to keep in mind that laser hair removal is a dermatological procedure, therefore you should ensure to undergo the treatment only at a Qualified Dermatologist’s clinic. Laser Hair removal procedures at Oswal Skin clinic should not be compared to the laser hair removal services widely available in non-medical facilities from technicians with no medical training.
What do You need to know before starting hair removal laser?
A few weeks prior to the first session and throughout the course of treatments, patients should not wax, epilate, or remove hair with the root using any other hair removal method. The hair needs to be in place in order to be targeted by laser as laser devices target the pigment in the hair.
Since the laser targets pigmented hair, white, blond or red hair may not respond to laser hair removal.
Since the laser works by heating up the hair follicle, there may be minimal discomfort in the form of a pricking sensation of heat felt during the procedure. The chilled laser tip and the use of ice assist in minimizing this discomfort. The pain felt varies individually, with the type of hair and the area being treated. A numbing cream may be used prior to the procedure but is not necessary in the majority of the cases.
Photographs of the treatment area may be taken for future comparison. Complete confidentiality will be maintained.
Risks associated with the procedure include mild discomfort, reddening, bumps or mild swelling. Most of the side effects are mild and typically resolve within a week. Tweezing and waxing impact the treatment outcome as they remove the hair from the root making it less receptive to laser treatment. Bleaching the hair will also impact the treatment outcome as the hair is not black in colour. Further, shaving or depilatory creams may be used if required.
Conditions, when we don’t recommend Laser Hair Removal Treatment
There are certain conditions that aren’t fitting for a laser hair treatment. Following are some of these conditions, where we don’t suggest undergoing hair removal treatment to our patients:
- Pregnant women or nursing mothers
- Patients with a history of seizures
- Candidates using a pacemaker or defibrillator
- Skin infections on the area to be treated
- The laser doesn’t work effectively on white or red hair
- Candidates with tanned skin
- Candidates who have been using retinoids in the near past
- Candidates taking medications that prohibit them from exposure to sunlight
- Stop bleaching/threading/waxing of hair a month before your appointment.
- After the laser treatment, avoid excessive exposure to the sun for at least a week.
- Use SPF 30+ or more sunscreen lotion regularly
- Do not use hot water or warm water for that matter to clean the treated area, for at least a couple of days after the treatment
- Do not scrub the treated area too hard
- Do not bleach/thread / wax the treated area in between the treatment. You could, however, shave the hair once or twice between the sessions.
Dr. Sidharth Oswal’s Dermatology Clinic provides long-term Laser Hair Removal treatments in Jabalpur, for all body parts like underarms, upper lip, and chin and bikini line, depending on the patient’s requirement.